Identification Plates
"The geochronology is right, but the naming is not" (Quote: Prof. Hottinger, University of Basel). Everyone / many know that geochronology is based on naming, so where is the problem ? (see also chapter "Naming" in the book).
And how to solve the problem:
Don't be frustrated
1. There will always be someone who knows better
2. Don't try to be more pontifical than the pope.
This means:
When you think you have found the right image for naming, write down the name. You will save yourself a lot of time if you write the name to a photo.
If after a critical look you think the name is not 100% correct, just call the find e.g. Perisphinctes type A or B or variant A or B etc. You can also do this, if you have not found a suitable name, just take the name of the closest coming species and add type A or type B etc. The correct name will not run away and can be changed/added later.
Here is my suggestion in how to proceed with the naming:
In the appendix you will find 83 identification plates (1.1 - 42.1) with up to 12 illustrations per plate. If several illustrations look the same or similar, but have different names, which is the "correct" name ?
On page 139 you will find in alphabetical order which fossil is illustrated by which author and which illustration I have personally defined as a right reference.
The 83 identification plates are divided into 3 groups:
1) Ammonites, plates 1.1 - 27.2. (VIEW)
2) Companion fauna 28.1 - 39.2 (VIEW)
3) Ammonites by sub-zones, plates 40.1 - 42.1 (VIEW)
To avoid having to browse through all 83 plates, sub-groups of 10 plates have been formed = 8 groups (A-H at the alphabetical list). The first group "A" contains, for example, plates 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, 3.2 .... up to plate 5.2. Group "B" contains, for example, plates 6.1, 6.2, 7.1, 7.2, 8.1 .... up to plate 10.2. And so on.
Grouping by name is not useful because a beginner (even an advance non-professional) sometimes has no idea of what his finding is.
1) If you know/suspect a genus name, go (depending on your find, whether ammonite or accompanying fauna) to one of the alphabetical tables listed below. There you will find the name and a corresponding table sub-group number (A-H). Instead of 83 plates you will only have to consult 3 groups with 10 plates, because the same name may exist in maximum 3 different sub-groups, except 3 names with four groups (A, C, D, Z).
2) If you have no other information than the ammonite itself, look for an illustration of your find on plates 1.1 - 27.2. (VIEW)
3) If yo have no information other than non-ammonite, look in plates 28.1 - 39.2 (VIEW)
4) If you know for sure (or even not for sure) which ammonite sub-zone your ammonite is from, you possibly may find the name in main group 3 of above plates 40.1 - 42.1 (VIEW)(Lamberti to Bukowski/Costicardia - Sz.)
Aligaticeras D Z
Aspidoceras D Z
Berniceras A
Brightia A B
Campylites A B
Campylites B
Cardiocras A C
Coryceras A D Z
Creniceras A D Z
Distichoceras D Z
Eborasiceras C
Euaspidoceras A B D Z
Fehlmannites B
Flexispinites A
Gregoriceras C D Z
Grossouvria B C
Holcophylloceras D Z
Horioceras A
Kosmoceras D Z
Lissoceras A B D Z
Longaeviceras B D Z
Lunuloceras A B
Mirospinctes A C D Z
Pachyceras D Z
Paralcidia D Z
Parawedekindia A
Pavlovicerras B C
Peltoceras A D Z Perisphinctes A B
Phylloceras B D Z Plasmatoceras C
Popanites D Z
Prieserites D Z
Properisphinctes B D Z Proscaphites A D Z Putealiceras A B
Quenstedtoceras A B C
Rasenia D Z
Raspailites B
Richeiceras A
Scabutgiceras B
Scaphitodites D Z
Scarburgiceras C D Z
Sowerbyceras D Z
Sphaeroceras D Z
Spinikosmoceras C
Sublunuloceras A B
Subvertebriceras C
Trimarginites A B
Vertebriceras C
Zugokosmoceras D Z
Alaria E F
Aptychus E G
Arachnidium H
Arca E
Astarte E F
Aulacothyris F
Balanocrinus F
Barhrotomaria F
Ceritella E F
Cerithium E F
Cidaris E H
Coral a F H
Coral b H
Dacryomia E
Diryloma H
Erymna F G
Fruit H
Hibolites G
Isocrinus F
Leda E F
Mecochirus H
Metriorhynchus H
Millericrinus F
Natica E H
Nucula E F
Oolithica E
Paracidaris H
Pecten E
Pleuromya E
Pleurotomaria E
Plicatula F
Polycidaris H
Polydiadema H
Pseudomonotis F
Radulopecten F
Rhynchonelloidella H
Serpula G
Shark F H
Sphenodus F H
Spinaptychus G
Spinigera F
Terebratula F
Thurmanella F
Trochus E F
Trochocyatus F
Turbo F
Turborollieri F
Turritella F
Tylasteria E F H Wood G